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1 juin 2020 1 01 /06 /juin /2020 10:39


Justice for George Floyd, Adama Traoré and all the others

The day is bleeding
Nothingness lacerates our hearts
You are no longer ... murdered by a monster
A racist, a sadistic, criminal policeman
How many are they still ready to act
With a president who stirs up hatred, violence!
Hell never ends on Earth
We miss you, you miss your loved ones
Your friends
Neither forgetting nor forgiveness
How can I live without you ?
To have killed you, to kill always, to kill again
It’s killing everything related to humans
In us, always
The world is in blood, devastated
The starry vault is struck right in the heart
There were all these murders, these genocides
These rapes, these slaveries, these infamies
That we don't count anymore
There was Michael Brown before you
Eric Gardner, Tamir Rice
Keith Lamont Scott, Trayvor Martin
All victims of racist crimes
Without forgetting Martin Luther King
Malcom X, the list goes on and on
The nameless horror
Tragedies succeeding tragedies
Massacres in high schools
The nightclubs frequented by our brothers
Our LGBTQI sisters
And feminicides everywhere
On the planet
Environmental crimes
Every creature, innocent life
I think of you George
Like a brother, I miss you
I have pain everywhere in me
You felt yourself dying, whispering "I can't breathe"
Many times ... many of us demand
Justice for you and everyone else
Black Lives Matter
I tell you my brother
One day forever love will win
Love wins

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