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  • : le blog poesielavieentiere
  • : À travers une poésie lyrique et engagée, il me semble urgent de témoigner de l'importance d'une parole profonde, vive et dense incarnée dans la vie de tous les jours en accord avec nos actes, afin de pallier l'absence à vivre de trop d'humains se satisfaisant de vivre tels des fantômes dans cette vie...Témoigner à partir de l'amour, de la mémoire, de l'innocence à vivre, au nom des peuples humains et animaux disparus et actuellement vivants, en peine d'harmonie.
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5 février 2024 1 05 /02 /février /2024 14:20


( women have been so absent in the world, deprived of their freedom, their rights, violated, murdered in History - by a criminal patriarchal system! - that the smallest of their gestures, their choices, their actions are for me day and night, empires of vivid and dense sensations ! )

In the braids of the river
Between the furrows of the earth
In the heart of the feathers of fire
Among the dresses of heaven
In all these worlds
Of the woman finally arrived, free !
Each of her choices is an event
The slightest of her gestures
Rain and good weather
Her legs are time zones
That she deploys immediately
Opening into space
Surprising landscapes
It's time for beauty
Whether she wears boots or not
On the pleasure dial
Her steps st the tempo
Her hands are birds
Her hair is close to the clouds
Whatever she does the woman fertilizes
The rainbow of my lives !

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