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  • : le blog poesielavieentiere
  • : À travers une poésie lyrique et engagée, il me semble urgent de témoigner de l'importance d'une parole profonde, vive et dense incarnée dans la vie de tous les jours en accord avec nos actes, afin de pallier l'absence à vivre de trop d'humains se satisfaisant de vivre tels des fantômes dans cette vie...Témoigner à partir de l'amour, de la mémoire, de l'innocence à vivre, au nom des peuples humains et animaux disparus et actuellement vivants, en peine d'harmonie.
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27 janvier 2018 6 27 /01 /janvier /2018 15:23


Without you knowing it Ô divine
Diving into the maelstrom
From your dress, its labyrinths
Drown forever
Torn from the lies of a real
Where male infamy still reigns !
To lose myself in your baskets of bright stars
Your sailboats always on the start
Their shrouds, O birds
O villages of time gathered
At the pace of your steps !
O forget me in your gardens
Enclosure of infinity !
Soft vortex opening to so many galaxies
When you cross your legs
The universe is at high tide
You are giving birth to new worlds
At each go-away
From your free leg, sublime pendulum !
I do not answer for anything
Shaken all day long
In your Hercynian folds
Your furrows, your ravines
O entanglements of shadows and lights
Innocent Spring!
Back to the Origins of Edenic Beauty
Corolla igniting the azure
Kisses on dawn revived
O memory dress of the wound (your repeated absence)
Swell, surf without stopping
Cliffs, at peaks, I constantly reborn
In the heart of senseless landscapes
O my love, O loving beloved !
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