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  • : le blog poesielavieentiere
  • : À travers une poésie lyrique et engagée, il me semble urgent de témoigner de l'importance d'une parole profonde, vive et dense incarnée dans la vie de tous les jours en accord avec nos actes, afin de pallier l'absence à vivre de trop d'humains se satisfaisant de vivre tels des fantômes dans cette vie...Témoigner à partir de l'amour, de la mémoire, de l'innocence à vivre, au nom des peuples humains et animaux disparus et actuellement vivants, en peine d'harmonie.
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27 décembre 2017 3 27 /12 /décembre /2017 15:24


Dream of the reprobate (human, animal ...)
(no work of art will have as much value - depth and nudity - as only one gesture of tenderness ...)
Feel one day the unthinkable

The collar of your arms
Who tells me that I exist
And every creature through himself magnified
By the grace of this delicate gesture
This simple and naked intention
Unknown until then, but why?
Since we saw the river
Girdle of his quick buck the field
That we saw the dawn
From his mist scarf
Wrap the forest
So why at this point of all time
The impossible sweetness?
And if you were this wild trail brimming with weeds
Stroking my undergrowth
How humanity could one day be saved!
And if you were the Milky Way wrapping the stars
From my heart, what would be my happiness!
O my homeland O my beloved
Where are your arms in my nights
Devastated by the absence to live
From most humans!
Until when this terrible wandering !
That of all these people, animals
Through oneself deprived of everything, martyred !
Oh, do you know ? How much I envy the land that receives
Your footprint
Without worrying your heart !
O i wish i were the space that your crossed legs harvest
Being the captive day of the shore of your hips
Being the tame time between folds
From your gibecière dress !
O i wish i could find the secret paths to you
Your Birds of Paradise !

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